These videos were produced from an in-house seminar presented by Don Dunoon at the New South Wales Health Education and Training Institute (HETI) on May 16th 2013. Don is Leadership Advisor at HETI. The videos, in 5 parts, present ideas on the relationship between leadership and management from Don’s book, In the Leadership Mode.
The videos frame leadership and management as different forms of action in particular moments for engaging with issues, particularly contentious issues.
Don is grateful to HETI for producing the videos, which you can view on the HETI website here
Part 1 – Setting the Scene. This video looks at how leadership and management have been viewed previously, and discusses an alternative perspective based on leadership and management as two different forms of ‘in the moment’ action.
Part 2 – The Management Mode. This video looks at ‘management-mode’ action and its emphasis on achieving tasks to deliver results.
Part 3 – Leadership Mode Action. This video shows how people can use ‘leadership mode’ action to promote meaningful conversations to enable change when dealing with contentious issues.
Part 4 – Interweaving Leadership and Management. This video looks at how ‘leadership mode’ and ‘management mode’ actions can complement each other for effective outcomes. It also discusses how ‘management mode’ is often the default and the implications this can have.
Part 5 – Q&A. Includes questions from seminar participants and responses from Don Dunoon.